Sunday, November 26, 2017

Santaland Diary 2016

Santa's back story -

A little reminder from"my" Santa as we work very hard to capture the moment and bring a smile to every visitor.
Remember Christmas time when you were young
The magic and wonder
Christmas wishes & Dreams

A girl celebrating her 7th birthday came to visit Santa on Saturday. When she approached the big guy's chair, we could see she was ready to cry. Not from being afraid.
She was devastated that our "Naughty / Niice" machine had pegged her as the former. Had the machine malfunctioned
or had she misinterpreted the indicator?
Really doesn't matter, she was crushed.
With the line growing, Santa took her to his lap and proceeded to sooth the hurt. Watching this unfold was truly the magic of this man. Soon she was smiling and carrying on as many her age would.
After the final warm hug, we had her test the machine - TWICE. Both times the indicator pegged the "Nice" - as it should be.
As we approach the the hustle and bustle of the season, keep in mind how important our words are( and the actions of this this silly machine) and that the magic Christmas brings to a child be easily tarnished.

Another special visitor to our set on Friday.
A family of seven wanted a photo with the "Big Guy". No problem, we do it all the time. The final person to be seated was a mature man. He was moving rather slowly, navigating into position with measured energy. His face showing that he was someone who had been through a lot in his life.
After the photos, I offered my hand to help him get up from the seat. As he had been referred to as "the old man" by one in his party, I felt I could ask him his age, thinking he was the grandfather or perhaps even the great-grandfather.
I was astonished to hear that he was but 60 years old (only a couple years older than I). He then said, as he waved his hand across his chest, that he had recently received a new heart.
A true survivor!
I was proud to share with him that my brother Ron was a donor and how his lungs had saved a mans life. He grasped my hand and shook it with the strength he could.
All he said is "thanks", but his eyes said much more.
A tear came to my eye as they left the set, I whispered to Santa about our visitor and he returned that special look when something moves him as well.
5 seconds later, two high energy, rambunctious kids piled onto Santa's lap and we were back into the typical happenings of what we do.

So, we don’t always get it right……………….
On Saturday a girl of 9 or 10 walked up to the Big Guy’s chair. Over my shoulder were Grandparents with a little boy of 3 or 4 years.
As is often the case, one sibling marches right up to speak with Santa and one, a bit more skiddish hangs back. After getting some photos, and the girl relaying her list of Christmas wishes, I walked up and asked if she were comfortable perhaps holding her brother in some photos.
She immediately responded that she could do it.
I turned to the grandparents in the line as asked if the boy would be comfortable sitting on the girls lap for photos.
They seemed a bit confused, but I am , after all, the “professional photographer(sic)”, know what I am doing(?) and always looking for the best shot possible to capture holiday memories.
The grandfather said that the “ little boy liked girls, and that sitting there would be fine”.I assumed that "girls" in this case meant sitting with the one in the chair, his "sister" as well.
I took the boy’s hand and walked him up to the chair, and he promptly crawled onto the girls lap.
After I snapped a few pictures of the pair, the girl gently whispered to Santa that this wasn’t her brother and that she had no idea who he was.
Santa got that look, could barely contain himself and motioned me over to explain the situation.
The girl had been sent in alone, her parent’s and family had come in through the exit side of the set and were waiting for her there.
The grandparents with the little boy were simply behind the girl in the queue.
A few apologies to all involved, a good laugh for us as and onto the next in line.

A beautiful family of 8 came to visit Santa on Thursday. To see such a large family today is a bit unusual, but it isn’t all that extraordinary.
This family is an exception and was extraordinary.
Six kids, all girls and a very special mom and dad. 
No, mom and dad weren’t “special” in the sense of special needs, they were just special.
While mom was wrangling the girls as they were interacting with Santa, I struck up a conversation with the dad about his family.
“You won’t get a smile from her” he said pointing to one..
“ And that one probably won’t look at you either”, pointing the girl sitting in the big chair.
All things I have heard many times, and try to use some tricks of the ”Santa photo” trade to gather all eyes in one direction at the same time.
Meanwhile, I noticed the Mom was using sign language to communicate with one of the girls .
When I inquired about the ages of the girls, dad replied “those four are all fourteen.”
Note: they weren’t quadruplets.
“That one is ten and this one (pointing to a girl sitting on the floor) is nine and a half”.
Can you see where this is going yet?
“Are you foster parents “ I inquired of the dad?
Motioning he hand through the group “No, those five are adopted and the one on the floor is our natural child”,
he responded..
This beautiful family was a blended family of 6 Down’s Syndrome girls.
Their “natural child” was the most physically and severely affected by the Downs.
I moved the camera to my left hand, and put out my right to shake his.
Not normally a loss for words, all I could come up with to say was “thanks for bringing them to see us”.
Very special parents with a beautiful family, indeed!

Bells take on some special traits during the holiday season.
There are the Salvation Army's bells, "Silver Bells" and, of course the bell that rings to signal that school is out for the winter break and the holidays therein.
We use bells to draw the attention of youngsters, attempting to get a good photo with Santa.
Sometimes they work and other times....well, not so much.
On Friday evening, the bells became the signal for some very special happenings. It was the signal call to action, initiating all manner of things to begin.
A mom and three daughters made it a point to be our last guests for the evening. After snapping a few photos, faking some equipment issues, I asked the group for a silly photo. They were very compliant, as it was a fun, girls night out for the holidays type of event. I grabbed the bells, as a ruse to enhance the "silliness" of the image.
Shaking the bells things started to happen.
The mother and two of the daughters jumped from Santa's chair, Santa got up and moved to my side. Kelsey, the young woman left in the chair was thoroughly confused.
All the folks who had been milling about the gallery above the set came to the railing and Aaron, a dapper young man in a black suit and red tie emerged from between some trees on the set.
Dropping to a knee and reaching into his pocket he pulled out a small box, opened it and asked for Kelsey's hand in marriage.
Kelsey was shaking as he placed the ring on her hand, the stunned look continued as she looked above to see almost 100 people clapping and cheering them on.
After settling down a bit and a long embrace, Kelsey, standing in the middle of the set, looked up to the gathered friends and family hesitating for only a moment, replied with a resounding "YES".
Congratulations to Kelsey and Aaron (we know nothing else of them) as one of the true highlights from this holiday season of photos with Santa.

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